Friday 17th of June 2022
10:00Regatta Venue and Regatta Office Opens
10:00 – 19:00 Venue open for training (check the traffic rules for training!)
18:00Team manager meeting
20:00After Eight Charity 8+
20:30Opening Ceremony
21:00Regatta Office closes

Saturday 18th of June 2022
07:00Regatta Venue and Office open
07:00 – 9:30Venue open for training (check the traffic rules for training!)
10:00 – 17:10Races
19:00 Regatta Office closes
20:00Social Event

Sunday 19th of June 2022
07:00Regatta Venue and Office open
07:00 – 9:45Venue open for training (check the traffic rules for training!)
10:20 – 15:30Races
16:30Closing Ceremony
18:00Regatta Venue closes